If we know the despairing effects of sin, why aren't we warning people?
If we know the saving power of Jesus' love, why aren't we sharing it?
Satan doesn't mind you getting convicted from a powerful sermon. He doesn't mind you going to church, or Bible studies. But at all costs, Satan will try to keep you from actually making a change. We get so used to hearing a convicting sermon, and then pushing it aside and doing nothing about it.
This change can look like so many different things. You might think you can't do much, but everyone can make a change in the spot God has placed them at the moment. Go get coffee with a friend, and ask them how they're really doing. Reach out to someone. Pray with someone who is feeling lost. Even just smile at a stranger, be a light in a world of dark.
Jesus loves you so much that He took the weight of all of our sins, was nailed to a wooden cross, and died for you. What are you willing to do for Him?
So I challenge you, what are you going to do today to make a change?